80s Memphis Style Pillows

80s Memphis style pillow or cushion

At BillingtonPix we love 80s Memphis style, and hope that you do too! This is the style of the 1980s when the Memphis Movement broke away from the more formulaic design movements of the Post War period. Chaos ensured where all previous rules and conventions about decision were abandoned and Post Modernism was born.

80s Memphis style means bold colors and abstract patterns, borrowing designs from previous ages and turning them on their head. It took Post Modernism to the extreme, with a sense of irony and fun that had never been seen before.

One of the problems of Memphis, however, when it came to interior design, was that these bold patterns just did not go, whereas they worked perfectly in the art world as the new bad boys on the street.

These days, when it comes to home furnishings, such as cushions and pillows, 80s Memphis style tends to work really well as an accent of contrasting color against a more neutral background. Memphis style is famous for its clashing color schemes, but in the 21st Century it does not have to be so brash, so long as you don't go overboard. You of can if that is the look you are after! 

BillingtonPix pillows and cushions and independently designed and seek to take the essence of Memphis style with a contemporary twist. It is nearly 30 years since Memphis began, and whilst the 90s tended to tone down the big patterns and colors somewhat, it feels a little safer to be more brave and add fun pieces to what might otherwise be a formal room.

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